Howdy guys π€
(I've no idea why I went all cowboy on you).
Hope you like the edits to the site π took me a while to figure it out but I did it π
Saudaa: 1 - Tech: 0 π
oh just a tip, check out the Web version for the full effect.
Anyhoo so as most of you know or have gathered thus far I'm Muslim (I follow the religion of Islam) and it is our holy month of Ramadaan where we fast from before sunrise π
to just after sunset π.
Every year my paternal family has a mass iftaar where all my dad's siblings and their children and now their children's children π
are invited for the evening .
Growing up it was the most exciting iftaar ever and I mean EVER. It was at the designated children's table where we discovered that pouring cooldrink into a glass, which had already been used for milkshake WASN'T such a good ideaπ. It was the place of gathering for us cousins to mingle, experiment with our food, play jokes on eachother, gossip about the adults π (don't judge, you know you're guilty too!) and EAT. Us Khan girls may be slender, but do not be fooled we LOVE our food and can EAT π. It's as if we were born "foodies" rather than born "FREES".
(yeah another of my lame-jokes but hopefully you laughed!)
The mass iftaar is my favourite iftaar of the month. No matter our age we haven't changed our antics and that's the BEST part! I missed quite a few of these iftaars when I was in Johannesburg but nothing has changed except we've upgraded from our little table to a normal table which is still not invaded by the adults (Alhamdulillah π) and we kind of contribute to the menu by actually making stuff.
This year is going to be one of the FIRST to have almost ALL of our cousins they're all flying in this weekend, only excluding a few (marrying away from home is the problem) and I'm super excited. The problem however, is my stupid viral infection which should be completely gone by Sunday, but my mother seems to be sceptical ππ« (thank you over protective mother).
Anyhow I plan to dodge my mother and attend even if I have to wear my germmask I'm going (insha-Allah -God willing)! I can't be in the city this year and NOT attend it's like totally "haraam" π -okay I made that up, but you gather how wrong it is NOT to go.
So why is my mother so sceptical?
Well I've just spent 4 nights in hospital because of it and it was my first ever hospitalisation... So yeah I get her point but enough about the iftaar. Let me tell you about my holiday adventure to the hospital ππ.
After complaining about SEVERE headaches where I couldn't even move an eyeball without any pain (this time I'm not exaggerating) and then finding a weird stuff, my mother was convinced I needed to go to the hospital. Believe it or not I was actually excited to go π. I packed with enthusiasm and had everything ready to go after I got back from school. Yes, I went to school because I was the narrator and script writer of the play we were performing - it was a parody of fairy-tales with a Dementor (if you don't know what a Dementor is you're probably very young or very old π use Google). The play was worth all the pain! The performance went off almost as we planned it only differed in the amount of laughter ππ, they got my lame jokes! #happydance - I love drama π.
Back to the hospital now, the first day was strange I really didn't know what do... Had some tests done and X-rays. I had x-rays before but this was so cool with the moving baseπ. Bloods however weren't so exciting 6 viles so not cool! I'd rather donate blood. There it's just one needle one tube and two bags that you don't really feel.
I expected to go in and get to sit and watch TV the entire day - I even took my hard-drive π. But it was just a daze of doctors, an uber cool j-loop that always creeped me out before I had my own and a never ending supply of drips.
I did get room service and my own room (all hail infectious viruses) ππ.
Special shout out to my visitors, thank you for making my stay a lot more colourful than you think and thank you for not judging my extra dodgy appearance π. You know it's love when people still #love you when you're a sicklingπ.
All in all, I had a weird but fun start to my holiday. Who can say "I went to hospital for my holiday" and actually be thrilled about it? I suppose it was much more exciting than visiting a place, and besides it's Ramadaan where can we actually go π so guess it all worked out pretty well!
That's it for now π
Please keep your fingers crossed so I can go for my iftaar and I promise to share some pictures πΈ