I was going to start this off and say what I'm not, but I'd rather start off on a positive note of what I am...
I am intelligent,
I am smart,
I am funny,
I am kind,
I am loving,
I am considerate,
I am driven,
I am religious,
I am emotionally balanced (at times),
I am brown,
I am weird
I am IMperfect...
I am "ME"
I am a woman.
And I'm worth it. The time, effort and affection, not only from others but from myself as well.
Being the month that celebrates women ♀ as well as the month in which we voted to make a positive impact, I felt it apt that I talk about us women.
So often the value of being female is overlooked not only by males but by ourselves as well.
I love the image that says, "Women who aim to be equal to men lack ambition, because they are already so much more than what men will ever be".
Focus on your strengths rather than weaknesses, but acknowledge them and work on it. I've always thought I'm only as strong as my biggest weakness. It's difficult to do introspection and find those weaknesses because you have to be completely honest with yourself. With me my biggest weakness is the "fear of failure". However I often use it as a powering tool that drives me to succeed.
Think about your strengths and weaknesses and who knows you may find that misplaced screw that's hindering you from reaching your optimum performance.
Nobody is perfect to another person, but you should be perfect for yourself. Love yourself, celebrate yourself - I know it's easier said than done but just remember people may come and go, they may hate or love, but you're stuck with yourself so like my pj's say "Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!".
Happy Women's Month my Lovelies!
Never feel alone in the jungle of life, there is always someone else in the same the same boat as you are.
And just so I can leave you with a promised smile
This picture is for you!