Wednesday, 2 November 2016

8 Tips to Guaranteed Success

Exams are around the corner, well for some it has already made an appearance! Nerves are on the edge and everything seems to be going awry. I can relate, however after years of having to get to grips with exams and ensure a successful outcome I though i would share some of thee best tips to help your study timetable be effective :)

So here goes!

1. Plan out your study regime. 
the best way to do it is to identify your weakest subject all the way to your strongest subject and have more sessions with the weaker subjects. When planning sessions consult your exam timetable so you when you need to be fully prepared and armoured. Make sure you take short but frequent breaks in between your sessions. 45 minutes with 10 minute breaks have been proven to be the most effective.

Pace yourself
Your brain is a muscle. Think about how your body feels when you suddenly do a rigorous exercise routine without bracing yourself a few days in advance. The same applies to your brain.

2. Be organised.
Having a study timetable will only be helpful IF you follow through with it, which will only happen if you are organised. Keep all your study material together and make sure you have everything you need. Those pages that have magically "apparated" (ref. Harry Potter) into thin air source them from a friend or teacher/ lecturer. Have all your stationery together so you don't end up scavenging for items whilst your timer is ticking.

Having separate files or folder for each subject on a desk or in a particular cupboard helps to keep you and your material "together". Same applies for the stationery you use.

3. Figure out the best study method that works for you.
It may be mind mapping, drawing pictures, summarising, highlighting, reading aloud or even acting as a teacher and teaching yourself.

For me the best way was summarising and making colourful and neat study notes - I find that similar colours help you connect related ideas and if it's keywords or lists for a concept I make up silly acronyms to help remember all the factors.

4. Get comfy in your study spot. 
Some people can work in the same spot ALL the time, others like me need a change of environment. Remove all distractions ** YES, your cellphone and the internet are catergorised as distractions! PUT IT AWAY  - challenge yourself.
Use a cushion to reduce the effect on your bum of having to sit for long durations. Make sure you're not too warm or too cold and you  can be comfy in your clothes. It's important as you are going to be writing and moving and sitting (yes, I did use and twice in a row). 

I used to ready my desk to study and would end up in different rooms of the house or a specific quiet corners in the different campus libraries with a jersey or blanket (I hate having "cold-feet" mind the pun) 

5. Figure out whether you're a silent learner or need something to keep you going
Silent learners usually require a quiet environment (I would recommend this!), whilst others need some noise to keep them going. this is where your playlist will prove to be very useful. Find your spot, plug in, press play and you're almost set.

Ps* try not to listen to songs that you're likely to sing along to - you need to be absorbing your study material, not singing along to your favourite Katy Perry song.

6. EAT.
They say you need to eat healthily - listen to "them". Skipping meals is NOT a good idea and only eating junk is NOT eating correctly. But do keep your favourite snacks and junk food on hand, the nibbles whilst studying does keep your energy level elevated.

I NEED to eat whilst studying. I generally have a good appetite which then increases during the exam period so I rely on my mixed nuts, chewies and chocolate to fill in the gap whilst I'm studying.

7. Get enough SLEEP!!
Those energy drinks are NOT going to give your body the rest it gets whilst you're asleep, so rest and SLEEP! sleeping helps your brain order the material you have studied and if you are the "owl" type nap before you have your all-nighter. If you are the "early-bird" make sure you sleep early so you're well rested and energised to take on the books. DO NOT CRAM the night before or the day of your paper, you will crash and burn. Sleep early and have those 8 hours of sleep before your paper.

I am the the "owl" type. PS** please don't make the mistake of testing out which type of study-person you are during exams - it may just not work out (trust me I learnt that during my trial exams in matric).

8. Stay focused and motivated.
It's all well and good to say I need to study at the beginning put in effort to make a study timetable. Then as exams approach and you write papers or get results back you find yourself losing that drive to study. Yes, it may be a lot of work or you may find it difficult or you may dislike the subject, bit you have to study the material to get it over and done with. 
Remember to BELIEVE in yourself, you can do it. Your will power and effort is what has been getting you through so the result you get is only a reflection of how much effort YOU put in. Once again challenge yourself to be more disciplined and remain focused to achieve your true potential.

I often needed pep talks so I would speak to my parents, sister or friends to help pull out of the pit of self-pity. Having loved ones around you during this stressful time is always the silver-lining. They are there to bring you those smiles, ego boosts as well as the midnight snacks and wake you from your pillow of books!

On that note all the best for your exams! I do hope these tips are truly your tips to success and you are able to optimise your potential.
The most important thing is to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.


Sunday, 30 October 2016


As October as well as Breast Cancer 
Awareness Month draws to an end I thought I'd end it off with a little reminder.
We don't get to choose our illnesses nor do we get to escape what's in our destiny.
Share your love, empathy and support for the people who affected.

A little goes a long way...
Purchase those little pink ribbons and more ...

Watch this video to find out a little more.


Thursday, 13 October 2016

She said, "Be gentle with yourself"

So today I attended a school's awards ceremony. I have been to my fair share of prize givings and today I was prepared for a long few hours of talks and award presentations with a fully charged phone battery.
However I was forced to  put my blog reading aside not because I was told to but because of the alluring, inspirational words of the guest speaker - Dr. Alloter. She did not lecture, nor did she tell us about her rise in her career, rather she spoke to the entire congregation about OURSELVES!

It really hit home that I first need to figure out who I am... Who I truly am, not base myself in the IDEA of who I'm supposed to be or who others want me to be nor should I measure my life against others.
I've come to the point in my life where I don't want to tell people what I do and if I do it's usually followed up by what I planned on doing with my life. Listening to Dr. Allotor today made me realise that I am happy.  Yes,  I may not be working the life I had envisaged BUT I am HAPPY!

Often I scroll through social media and look at my high school and university mates living their lives with beautiful images as proof of their wonderful "dream come true" lives and I feel why not me?!  I've worked just as hard, if not harder - studying, not bunking and getting through everything with just a single attempt! I have realised that all I need to is say ALHAMDULILLAH for everything I have. 

Who knows what's truly behind the images? Why should I care? That feeling of pride when I feel I've imparted something to another mind is the most rewarding feeling to ever experience!  I am happy and that is what I have always wanted.

So, "Be gentle with yourself" is a statement that I will keep in mind henceforth. We spend so much time idealising what we should be and less time focusing on who we truly are and what actually makes us happy. We get so caught up in our daily activities and forget to take time out to focus on ourselves. 
As I've matured and been exposed to the big bad world I've begun to notice that the ideals I had as a bright eyed teenager no longer fit the individual that I've grown into.  Some of the basic ideals have remained the same but the contexts have changed so some of the frilly ideals would have to evolve and today I got told that IT'S OKAY! - IT'S NORMAL.

It may seem silly that I didn't realise this but being the strong headed taurean that I am, I guess I needed an "expert" to tell me that IT'S OKAY.

So I have to tell you this and may you take it in and use it as a tool of positive reinforcement for yourself-
YOU are the most important individual in your life.  Friends, family and dreams will come and go but all you'll ever have for certain is YOURSELF. So be gentle with yourself...
Saudaa 😘

Sunday, 25 September 2016

24TH September, Heritage Day

24TH September, Heritage Day

Image result for heritage day
This is one of my favourite public holidays. Why? You may ask. Well believe it or not, I love my country. Yes it has its flaws as all things do however, it is the place I call home. Having travelling spirit and having the opportunity to explore may other countries, I still get that overwhelming feeling of excitement, joy and pride when heading home to SA.

I love our beautiful country, with the ever unique ‘Rainbow Nation’. We have 11 official languages, 9 provinces, each filled with a diverse group of individuals, each representing their own culture and traditions. In essence we needed a day to recognise and celebrate our diversity. I relish in this diversity and see it as an opportunity to show our strength in diversity rather than adversity.

As most of you know Heritage Day is also known as National Braai day. Others know it as barbecue well here in SA it’s simply “braai”. It is something that connects us all and what better way to celebrate our diversity together, than to share a meal over a braai. The French have Bastille Day, the Aussies have Australia Day and the Irish have St. Patricks Day and since 2005 we have National Braai Day incorporating a sense of unity and truly South African spirit. This year for the first time I got to engage in this festivity – an unplanned mini braai. But a braai none the less.

The highlight of my day however, was my time spent with the spirited staff at the Dischem beauty counter. These gorgeous women went all out to show their Heritage loudly and proudly. Dressed in their Zulu attire these young women clearly showed the spirit in which this holiday was created. Although they were at work on a public holiday their spirits were not dampened, rather they uplifted the spirits of the hundreds of customers which they came in contact with. What made me feel even more proud was the young Indian lady that was also dressed in Zulu attire. Why? Because living in South Africa, makes us African and being born in KZN makes us Zulu! I love this sentiment and wish we would all see ourselves as AFRICAN before anything else.

So what did I learn from my time spent with the ladies aside from make-up tips?

Embrace your individuality and remember that we all live towards a common goal of peace and unity so celebrate the fact that you are African – and may you finally become proudly South African!


Sunday, 4 September 2016

SODA on the blog : Must-haves for Spring down-south

SODA on the blog :  Must-haves for Spring down-south: I know I'm a bietjie (little) late but Happy Spring! I have never been excited to say goodbye to winter, however my excessive sh...

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🌸 Must-haves for Spring down-south 🌸

I know I'm a bietjie (little) late but Happy Spring!

I have never been excited to say goodbye to winter, however my excessive shopping splurges forced me to look forward to Spring. Sunny, flowery days with just the perfect amount of warmth.
So this Spring Day after I had exhausted the dark colours in my cupboard I pointedly went all bright n lumo to welcome Spring. I paired my high waisted super bright palazzo pants with a plain white T-shirt and white strap sandals.

Exhibit A

After my shopping and search for perfect deals I soon realised that this Spring isn't all about those bright colours.  It's more about the pastels and subtle hints of colour against neutral colours. So I've put together a MUST HAVE LIST FOR SPRING which will most likely pull you through Summer as well.

Let's start with the essentials
Cellphone and accessories 
 1. What's a beautiful day if you can't document it nor capture the moment on your phone? So on our list the first item is a portable phone charger.

2. Hair accessories have been all the hype recently and if you can't get yourself a bunch of freshly cut flowers use these flowery bands to turn your outfit from sad ol' winter to happy sassy Spring where you can give your Snapchat filter a break and use the real stuff.

3. The sneaker/ takkies hype: these just scream "buy-me". For those Tom-boys who don't want to leave their sneakers behind but still want a bit of a girly touch these are for you!  And those girly-girls (like me)  who want to try the Tom-boy comfort look -these are a MUST HAVE.

Now for the real deal 
4. Cullots/ 3/4 pleated pants are the perfect balance. Pair it with a dark coloured top (black/ chocolate/ maroon/ etc)and you're good to go with a wide brimmed hat and you're all set.
The hat will see you through Summer as well.

5.What's Spring without some flowers?
This simple floral print dress is a quick solution to dressing-up for brunch add the hat from no. 4 for an extra hint of glam. You can get the dress from Primark or similar one can be found at Mr. Price.

6. If you're not up for the florals try this simple knee length dress paired with a dark coloured sling bag for a preened casual look.

7. Who doesn't go out on day dates in Spring? Pair this pastel peach bell sleeved top with a pair of wrecked denims with heels to add a bit of sass and sophistication.

If you're looking for an evening look you can pair a darker shade of the top with a light bottom (I've used a white dress) along with a brooch to enhance the outfit, like I've done here.

(it was a last minute outfit for a charity dinner - post about it to follow soon!)

So my lovelies that's all for now
Happy Springing
Saudaa 😘 

Monday, 15 August 2016

New breaks 🎊

Firstly congratulations to our athlete

Not only did he get us a gold medal πŸ… but broke the world record in the 400m track event. It's moments like these that make me beam with pride as a South African. 
It's also even more special because he's from my favourite city AND we're the same 90's babies! So it seems as South Africa enters the history books, I shall enter into the blogging world with a new "identity".

And for some serious LOL moments watch the video below πŸ“Ή (you have to click on the link BELOW ⬇
Olympic moments - how you feel

I know it's been a while but I've been contemplating changing my blog name to something more positive and still relates to me.

This task had a difficulty level of 10 πŸ™ˆ (and I'm not being my drama queen self). That's because it involved tonnes of introspection and self evaluation. I've realised that I've never focused my energies on only one thing. I wasn't the loner nerd, nor was I superwoman on the sports field but I was the juggler "All Rounder".  I couldn't figure out something that I'd completely focus on nor could I find a word that could adequately describe me. Hence "Soda" the nickname that stuck and the 'easy' version of my name πŸ˜‚.

Anyhoo welcome to the new site hope u like it!

Ps. Get my random bubbles and blurbs on instagram @soda_ontheblog


Saturday, 6 August 2016

I am...

I was going to start this off and say what I'm not, but I'd rather start off on a positive note of what I am...

I am intelligent,
I am smart,
I am funny,
I am kind,
I am loving, 
I am considerate,
I am driven,
I am religious,
I am emotionally balanced (at times),
I am brown,
I am weird
I am IMperfect...
I am "ME"
I am a woman.

And I'm worth it. The time,  effort and affection, not only from others but from myself as well. 
Being the month that celebrates women ♀ as well as the month in which we voted to make a positive impact, I felt it apt that I talk about us women.

So often the value of being female is overlooked not only by males but by ourselves as well. 
I love the image that says, "Women who aim to be equal to men lack ambition, because they are already so much more than what men will ever be".

Focus on your strengths rather than weaknesses, but acknowledge them and work on it. I've always thought I'm only as strong as my biggest weakness. It's difficult to do introspection and find those weaknesses because you have to be completely honest with yourself. With me my biggest weakness is the "fear of failure". However I often use it as a powering tool that drives me to succeed. 
Think about your strengths and weaknesses and who knows you may find that misplaced screw that's hindering you from reaching your optimum performance.

Nobody is perfect to another person, but you should be perfect for yourself. Love yourself, celebrate yourself - I know it's easier said than done but just remember people may come and go, they may hate or love, but you're stuck with yourself so like my pj's say "Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!". 

Happy Women's Month my Lovelies!
Never feel alone in the jungle of life, there is always someone else in the same the same boat as you are.

And just so I can leave you with a promised smile
This picture is for you!


Sunday, 24 July 2016

Saying goodbye...

This is by far the most difficult piece of writing that I've had to put together.

"Ma's finished baby,
Ma is gone..."

These are the words that will echo for a long time to come.

This past week for the first time in many years I lost an immediate family member, someone who actually played a vital role in my life - my granny. One of the closest people to me, more a wise best friend rather than a "nani". That brings me to her reaction everytime someone referred to her as our "nani" she would say, "Who's a nani? I'm their ma". Her witty, humorous personality and her love for fashion is something that we connected on. She would match her outfit from head to toe, matching shades of the colours with the perfect shoes, handbag, scarf AND accessories to match.

Ma was my knight, the only real piece of armour that protected me from my mother. Her pep talks after my parents' lectures always involved a light hearted joke and an understanding that my mummy is a little 'nuts' at times.

My ma was our travel buddy she accompanied us on almost every single trip we made and was not the average "granny", she was  one of us, keeping up and alles. Seeing her sick for just over a month wasn't easy yet we all thought she would bounce back as she usually did. I guess now her suffering is over... Saying goodbye was tough, but all i can do is make sabr and dua (pray) for her to be granted jannah, smile and be happy as she always wished for me. insha-Allah Ameen...

I will miss hearing "yes, aunty Saudaa" to my 'aunty Fathi', the Half English/ Urdu jokes, the hugs, duas and so much more.
I will always miss you my "Thandroost chicken" (strong chicken).
Love you always.


Saturday, 23 July 2016

Playtime, Yay time

Hello hello. 

Have you ever sat down and just become nostalgic or thought about the things you did as kid? I guess we all have and it's often the time I wish I could relive. The time of carefree, no responsibilities and friend-full playtime is something we all want. The past weekend we (my sister, mum and I) got a snippet again!  A surprise visit from an old neighbour who hadn't changed a bit! Except he grew up ofcourse πŸ˜….

The Tales of our antics and his destructive tendancies brought the mini us alive! So out came the make-up and i had my "NO makeup" make look done by what seemed like a professional πŸ™Œ.

The make-up kit 
1 Cleansed with Mac wipes
2 Cream
3 Thin layer of Clarins Everlasting Foundation applied with a make up sponge
4 Highlighter - from The Body Shop 
applied on the T and cheek bones
5 Mac Studio Fix powder 
applied with a buff brush from The Body Shop (the silver case in the picture)

And what's a girl without two the essentials?

6 Softlips no.15 bronzing lip ice
7 One coat of mascara - Elizabeth Arden,
which was also used to brush up my eyebrows 

And Voila all done!
Yes an unprofessional male did my make up and I loved it! So who said "adults" can't have fun?! 
We just get to use the real stuff now, which makes it even better.

I hope you get to a moment to refresh your childhood memories. Remember you're only as YOUNG as you feel you are 

That's all for now 😘 
The UBG 

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Waiting and waaiting and waaaiting

Ever been extremely hungry and you anxiously await your food in the promised 15 - 20min?
Well so have I! 
Except I think I've been jinxed  to "wait forever!"

Being a Hangry (angry when hungry) type of person, it is probably the most annoying jinx to ever have.

Working up an appetite whilst shopping has been the norm and over the past few days I've been disappointed with every meal I've ordered. I am a fairly patient individual and respect the fact that good food takes time. However, telling a customer that their food will be ready in a certain amount of time and then taking 45 - 50 minutes to present the food, after being asked twice where the order was and have other people who ordered 25 minutes AFTER YOU given their food is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. If you think that's bad enough, my sister was served the incorrect dish! 

Then there are the excuses for delayed orders. Bear in mind that these places are take-out OR sit down restaurants.

  • "The restaurant is really busy, sorry for the delay" - oh yes ofcourse! The three families of four are making it SO busy hey?!

  • "So sorry Mam, they prepare the orders in number order" - Okay. Is that why 208 already had their order and we are order number 197? Riddle me that! Oh and how long does it take to make a burger?

  • The other one is no excuse at all, just tell someone to bring my food when I stare down the cashier.

But the best one this week was from a manager.

Waiter: Sorry Mam,the kitchen messed up,  my manager found a problem.

Me: What was the problem? 

Manager: "Sorry Mam, yours was a big order so it got delayed". THREE FULL MEALS is LARGE order? So I'm meant to come eat by myself to get my food faster? Does my payment have no value? Is it just the number of meals I order? 

I had to practice such self-restraint not to be rude. But saying "innallaha ma'as sΓ£birΓ»n" in my mind and my ever calmed father helped. 

The best place to order at is Burger King - The Zone in Rosebank. They are ever so efficient, during one of my visits as soon as I'd entered my pin for payment my order was ready!  BELIEVE IT.

Another of my favourite spots is Ninos at the Moses Mabhida Stadium. Friendly staff and beautifully relaxed atmosphere makes for a pleasant experience. 

There are others however these two places are the ones that stand out from the rest. May my jinx be over soon and hopefully just hopefully you don't experience the torture of "waiting, waaiting and waaaitng".

That's all for now 😘 
The UBG 

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

The Market Tales

Elooooo elooooo πŸ€—

I'm female as you all know... And one of the things we find most endearing is shopping! What makes it even better is when there's a sale or when we can get ourselves a good bargain πŸ’±.
Being who I am, food plays an important role in my mood. Happy tummy = Happy Saudaa. Hence a combination of these two things and I'd be in a state of euphoria!

I was going to post on the Morning Trade Market but didn't get to fully experience it, so "Market Tales Part 2" shall follow soon enough 😊 for now its:

The first Friday evening of every month is where you can find the market in Musgrave Centre on the 4/5th level parking lot from ~17:30 - 20:00pm. This market has what others lack; a secure covered experience from rain and heavy wind (bonus points - you don't have an excuse not to get out of the house in bad weather) as well as secure parking πŸ…Ώ so can you can indulge with your mind being completely at ease!

My first trip to the market was with a good friend with whom I spent ~30 minutes in the parking lot trying to find a parking space, listening to what my friend called "Muslim-girl music" aka trance/ EDM kinda musicπŸ˜‚.
Since my first visit I've overcome the parking battle and now have my "spot" - thank you for introducing me to this place!

 If you happen to visit the market you may come across a very happy Saudaa, this is because there's a huge variety of food AND the best part is, almost EVERYTHING IS HALAAL! 
I love trying new flavours and foods as well as the whole fancy serving of it. However, I find that many of the scrumptious looking restaurants aren't halaal leaving me without an opportunity to satiate my inner foodie.

So here at the Rooftop Market you can find clothing by local designers, thrift stalls, crafts including a beautiful African art collection and a little pet corner. It also boasts almost twenty food stalls ranging from wholesome foods to purely indulgent deserts. I can say with confidence that all of the stalls were created by cool people, my  reason?  The amazing use of puns in many of the stall names πŸ˜‚.
These stalls are pop-ups thereby enhancing local SME's and entrepreneurs. Being opposed to brain-drain I fully support the saying "Local is Lekker" and this market allows me to follow through with that ideology.

Sketchy selfies

Although queues are long which lead to selfies (see above 😁), nonsensical comments, good company, AFFORDABLE great food and crafts compensate for it. Encounters range from the most random people of all ages to bumping into Mr India SA (yes, I'm a pageant girl) set against a backdrop of a buzz of all local artists showcasing their talent is an experience not to be missed.
If you're looking for a place to basically chill out at/ meet people/ support local businesses/ artists/ eat/ try something new or simply looking for a good experience in Durban other than the beach, be sure to visit next month (5 August)!

If you have been to the market share your experience with me in the the comments section below and if you see me there be sure to say Hi!

 That's all for now 😘

 The UBG

Friday, 8 July 2016

The Eid Effect

Peace be unto you all - in other words As-salaamualaikum ✌ 

A belated Eid Mubarak for all those that I didn't get to wish and thank you if you did wish me 😘
I'm sure everyone got to indulge and if you don't celebrate hopefully you had a good Muslim neighbour or friend that shared some goodies with you ➡ good company pays off😝

This year I fell into the category of "waiting for my phone to explode with messages" then put mendi/ henna before going to bed.πŸ˜‚ Eid was different this year, rather than it just being us at home it was a full house of family and it wasn't "Eid at the grannies".

⏰ My alarm on the morning of Eid was the sound of pots and pans klanking in the kitchen and mum's annoyed voice saying "Sa'ud wake up! Waaake up! You're going to miss Fajr" πŸ™ˆan atrocity not to be committed - losing the glow of the face on Eid, no thank you!! (It's because the morning prayer gives you "noor" (glow) on your face.) Morning prayer done - glow confirmed πŸ™Œ then it was time to get cracking- shower clean up, help in the kitchen and ofcourse pack the plates of biscuits for the friends!

πŸ‘— Then it was time for the highlight and a sunnah on Eid: dressing up πŸ™Œ
I wore a Turkish style kaftan (that I'd been after for ages) from a store Saudi-Arabia - thanks to mum's recent Umrah trip, black Ajmaan inner (I absolutely love the fit of this inner), black pleather leggings from Winged Girl (CPT), my new favourite black Topshop stilettos, with finishing touches of a Hermes belt and a patent leather black bag from Jealousy (DBN) and a square scarf from ages ago!
 I usually wear my contact lenses on a dress-up day but I decided to play it cool and Wear my glasses πŸ‘“ I guess they are new and needed an introduction to the family πŸ˜‚. 
Then there was the make-up I got to contour my sister's face, did mine and finished off with my second favourite lipstick which is from Avon! 

After dollin' up it was then time to head off to the new hotspot - my uncle's house, where everyone would be meeting for lunch. There's always one item missing and this year it was fire wood so off I went with the_eclectic_hijabi, cousin in-law and nephew to find some firewood. So there I was prancing around in circles to entertain the little-one in the shop with my amazing heels - so amazing that they deserved their own picture πŸ˜‚

🍲 Back to the food The menu included soji πŸ‘Œ ofcourse the grand "mutton breyani" drool because it was delish! Coming from me - a person who isn't a fan of such heavy foods you can believe it was divineπŸ™Œ. 
There were other side dishes but the main attraction was my favourite - Pavlova 😍 since I was told my cousin from Cape Town would be down for Eid and making that for desert it was the only thing on my mind πŸ˜‚ Only thing is EVERYONE wanted to try and having a big family wasn't cool for this moment because I couldn't indulge as much as I wanted to. I got restricted to only 1 piece if heaven πŸ’”. 

Nevertheless lunch was a treat with the mini uncles and nephews and niece running around. Whilst we "in-betweeners" mingled with the adults laughing as we shared stories. I love the idea of large family gatherings you never feel alone. There's always that warm fuzzy feeling of belongingπŸ’— if you haven't experienced it tell me and you can definitely come join me at our next big "thing" πŸ˜€.

On coming home, it was yummy food again soups, steaks and veggies! With visitors πŸ˜… a change to the normal sense of serenity I usually experience at home, but a good supper time nevertheless!

Ofcourse to end my day there was a photo-shoot of selfies and "mum please take a picture of me" πŸ˜‚
So my lovelies that was my eid! I hope you had an amazing day as I did. No need to feel underachieved on Eid 😊 

Please feel free to share your Eid tales with me or to take me up on the offer if joining me!

That's it for now 😘 
The UBG 

Monday, 4 July 2016

The Eid Bake-off: Chocolate Melting Tutorial🍫

As Eid approaches it's usual for many households, including mine to smell like a bakery. This year is no different! 

This weekend was spent creating yummy home-made biscuits in my 3rd favourite place in the house πŸ˜…. I'm not a huge fan of cooking but baking serves as my creative outlet in the kitchen. So Baked en Alles (Hayah confectionery) was born! It's something that kinda happened by default as people saw my baking then ordered from me πŸ˜… word of mouth is an amazing tool!

Although I've been bogged down with issues mum's stepped up and come to help like a "knight in an apron" πŸ˜‚! She may help bake but the decor is my department it's like I have a no entry sign when I'm working - it's my space you know...

I thought I'd help some of you guys out with an easy peasy 3 step way to melt chocolate to decorate your biscuits.

All you're going to need is:
  • Chocolate chips
  • Pot 
  • Glass bowl (please make sure it's oven friendly)
  • Spoon 
  • Water
  • A stove
Please remember when selecting your bowl please make sure that the base of the bowl fits into the top of your pot BUT should NOT touch the base of your pot. 

Step 1:
Fill the pot about halfway with water and put it on the stove to heat (you can boil it first and then put it into the pot - it makes the process faster).

Step 2:
Place your chocolate chips into the bowl and place it over the heated water in the pot. (your bowl may be submerged in some of the water)

Step 3:
Using your spoon stir the chocolate in the bowl as it begins to melt it helps with the heat distribution through the chocolate (remember stirring ANTI-clockwise is sunnah).
Also make sure your water isn't boiling rapidly - you might end up over heating your chocolate, so lower the heat or turn it off. The water is still hot so your chocolate will have a heat source.

You will know your chocolate is ready when it's has a runny consistency.
and you should be able to touch it if it's too hot for you it's too hot to be used!

And there you have it good ol' melted chocolate. Which I live on for decorating πŸ™Œ. 

I got my chocolate from Laeeque this year the joys of being located centrally πŸ˜…. It's a one stop shop for all my baking goodies.

Side note πŸ“:
I didn't get to go for my mass iftaar but it's okay I didn't infect anyone so all is well... And my littletjie is around so I'm a happy chappy!

Oh and Eid Mubarak 🌟 in advance my lovelies (yes, that INCLUDES you male species!) I don't think I shall post until the auspicious day.

That's it for now

Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome 😘 

Friday, 1 July 2016

Iftaar & The Great Big Holiday Adventure!

Howdy guys πŸ€—
(I've no idea why I went all cowboy on you).
Hope you like the edits to the site πŸ˜€ took me a while to figure it out but I did it πŸ™Œ 
Saudaa: 1 - Tech: 0 😎
oh just a tip, check out the Web version for the full effect.

Anyhoo so as most of you know or have gathered thus far I'm Muslim (I follow the religion of Islam) and it is our holy month of Ramadaan where we fast from before sunrise πŸŒ… to just after sunset πŸŒ‡. 

Every year my paternal family has a mass iftaar where all my dad's siblings and their children and now their children's children πŸ˜… are invited for the evening . 

Growing up it was the most exciting iftaar ever and I mean EVER. It was at the designated children's table where we discovered  that pouring cooldrink into a glass, which had already been used for milkshake WASN'T such a good ideaπŸ˜‚. It was the place of gathering for us cousins to mingle, experiment with our food, play jokes on eachother, gossip about the adults πŸ™Š (don't judge, you know you're guilty too!) and EAT. Us Khan girls may be slender, but do not be fooled we LOVE our food and can EAT 😏. It's as if we were born "foodies" rather than born "FREES".
(yeah another of my lame-jokes but hopefully you laughed!)

The mass iftaar is my favourite iftaar of the month. No matter our age we haven't changed our antics and that's the BEST part! I missed quite a few of these iftaars when I was in Johannesburg but nothing has changed except we've upgraded from our little table to a normal table which is still not invaded by the adults (Alhamdulillah πŸ˜‚) and we kind of contribute to the menu by actually making stuff.

This year is going to be one of the FIRST to have almost ALL of our cousins they're all flying in this weekend, only excluding a few (marrying away from home is the problem) and I'm super excited. The problem however, is my stupid viral infection which should be completely gone by Sunday, but my mother seems to be sceptical πŸ˜’πŸ”« (thank you over protective mother).

Anyhow I plan to dodge my mother and attend even if I have to wear my germmask I'm going (insha-Allah -God willing)! I can't be in the city this year and NOT attend it's like totally "haraam" πŸ˜‚ -okay I made that up, but you gather how wrong it is NOT to go.

So why is my mother so sceptical? 
Well I've just spent 4 nights in hospital because of it and it was my first ever hospitalisation... So yeah I get her point but enough about the iftaar. Let me tell you about my holiday adventure to the hospital πŸ˜„πŸ˜.

Me in my J-loop and mask

After complaining about SEVERE headaches where I couldn't even move an eyeball without any pain (this time I'm not exaggerating) and then finding a weird stuff, my mother was convinced I needed to go to the hospital. Believe it or not I was actually excited to go πŸ˜‚.  I packed with enthusiasm and had everything ready to go after I got back from school. Yes, I went to school because I was the narrator and script writer of the play we were performing - it was a parody of fairy-tales with a Dementor (if you don't know what a Dementor is you're probably very young or very old πŸ™Š use Google). The play was worth all the pain! The performance went off almost as we planned it only differed in the amount of laughter πŸ˜€πŸ™Œ, they got my lame jokes! #happydance - I love drama 🎭.

Back to the hospital now, the first day was strange I really didn't know what do... Had some tests done and X-rays. I had x-rays before but this was so cool with the moving baseπŸ˜‚.  Bloods however weren't so exciting 6 viles so not cool!  I'd rather donate blood. There it's just one needle one tube and two bags that you don't really feel.

I expected to go in and get to sit and watch TV the entire day - I even took my hard-drive πŸ˜‚. But it was just a daze of doctors, an uber cool j-loop that always creeped me out before I had my own and a never ending supply of drips.
I did get room service and my own room (all hail infectious viruses) πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚. 

Special shout out to my visitors, thank you for making my stay a lot more colourful than you think and thank you for not judging my extra dodgy appearance πŸ˜‚. You know it's love when people still #love you when you're a sicklingπŸ’—.

All in all, I had a weird but fun start to my holiday. Who can say "I went to hospital for my holiday" and actually be thrilled about it? I suppose it was much more exciting than visiting a place, and besides it's Ramadaan where can we actually go πŸ˜‚ so guess it all worked out pretty well! 

That's it for now 😘
Please keep your fingers crossed so I can go for my iftaar and I promise to share some pictures 🌸

The UBG 

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Act I Scene |

Firstly thank you for the feedback on my first post πŸ˜„ please do subscribe and comment on the blogπŸ™Œ
The anticipation and anxiety of having my words being open for anyone to read was quite daunting seeing as that English wasn't (and still isn't) my strongest suit, my Afrikaans mark was always higher πŸ˜‚ (thank you 7de Laan).
Anyhoo a small disclaimer of sorts...
My blog is about ME it's my opinion... I don't mean to harbour any negativity to anyone or on any topic on purpose, UNLESS it is necessary or I personally feel negatively about it.

I have a tendency to easily get distracted in my writing and have a roundabout way of getting to the point (unfortunately πŸ™Š), but I guess it makes me me! So let's hope you enjoy this merry-go-round ride with me.

Sooo back to it then... In the last blog my vocation was a mystery and I said I'd tell you eventually. Here it is...
I am currently a teacher/educator.
Yesss! me a teacher _ "Miss Khan"😢sounds weird right?! πŸ˜…

Yes it didn't ever cross my mind that I would EVER be a teacher, but God has His own plan for us.
Yes I loved what I studied and would still love to get into the field BUT I enjoy what I do!
YES I did study to teachπŸ˜’...

So WHY did I choose to teach?
The question, however should be "HOW did I end up teaching?"

Long story short after honours I decided to get into industry and chose not to do my Masters. Getting into industry proved to be a frivolous task and so I went on holidays, enjoyed my free-time. Until I took a job for the sake of it - I was tired of being an unemployed statistic. Yes it paid fine but there was no job satisfaction... Before this I was always under the impression that if a job paid well, I didn't need "job satisfaction" boy was I wrong!?
So I decided to head back home.
From then it was kind of a Cindrella story minus the handsome prince (unfortunately).
My fairy God Mother was my ex-teacher, who graciously offered me an internship during my casual visit to the school. (I will always be grateful to herπŸ’—). I obliged thinking there is no harm in trying, as I tutored throughout campus and if she had the confidence in my abilities then so should I... So it began, my trip to the "palace ball"... I completed my studies with distinction (Alhamdulillah πŸ˜‚yes I'm taking my moment of glory) and was then offered a post at the school.

To date I have no regrets, only the assurance that maybe this was meant to be. I often think that if all academics strayed away from teaching what would become of OUR FUTURE!? Economically speaking we rely on the "working sector" to support the elderly and youth. If WE do not invest in their academics who will?

This brings me to the saying I posted in keeping with youth day celebrations.

I thoroughly enjoy teaching and if people actually knew the amount of effort, patience and the number of hours we spend OUTSIDE of school in preparation for our learners, the profession would become as respected as any other.

The kids can either make your day or make you want to pull your hair off. But I can gladly say that each day is like a breath of fresh air...
Yes this may not be the piece of the puzzle I wanted to place in my puzzle of life. However, each piece of a puzzle is unique on its own accord, without which our lives would not be the perfect picture we try and build on a daily basis.

The lessons I have learnt thus far is that, our lives do not end when we come across a path that is unfamiliar or not the one we want, rather it's an opportunity to grow in other aspects and or lead us to greater paths.
Coming home each day knowing that I, me,  Saudaa has imparted some knowledge to a child who will use it as a step to achieve their dreams is truly remarkable...

I can see the bigger picture now and that is the greatest reward... I still do intend on following my passion but I've realised that life is a journey and I aim to maximise each and every opportunity I am awarded with.
Maybe, just maybe you may come to the same realisation and do the same!

Chin up subbie!

(Apologies for the delayed postπŸ™ˆ it's being written with a J-looped hand from a hospital bed πŸ₯ details to follow)


#Ps. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and give me some feedback on the blog site if possible πŸ™†

Saturday, 18 June 2016

The Beginning


There was a girl who lived a normal life but wanted something greater, and so she decided to take the step towards technology (eventhough it often resents her) to share her ideas, life and spread some sparkle.

So this is where it begins, my first ever blog post...  If you don't count my first attempt the night before after I fell asleep and my android decided to fail on me and NOT save my almost complete post!

Anyhoo... So what's up with my weird blog name?? Like who wants to read πŸ“– some sad-depressing, emo-like blog? Everyone wants their bit of happiness and so do I!
So this blog aims to do just that will I can't promise you happiness with every post but I do guarantee you a smile shall surely spread across your face.

So let's practice:
In the words of Aman (Shah Rukh Khan's character) in "Kal ho na ho"

"1,2,3 eeeeeee" πŸ˜‚

So back to the important thing who am I!?
Well I am Saudaa... Most of you probably went back to try and say my name correctly or are thinking πŸ’­ "How on earth do I say that?!"
I shall very quickly put you out of your misery... You know the country Saudi-Arabia (it's a middleastern country super wealthy in oil)...
Well instead of saying the "di" in Saudi say "da" and voila Sau-daaπŸ€—!  That's me!

I'm a Witsie (some who attends or graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand) and I have my honours in Geology with Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, a field that us Indians are rather scarce in. I followed my heart not social pressures of doing medicine, engineering or accounting. But as Murphy would have it I haven't had my time to shine in my field as YET. My passion remains purely as a pieces of paper πŸ“„ displayed on the wall.

This is where The UBG (Underachieved BSc Graduate) comes from. I'm currently in a field I had never even given a thought about primarily because people THINK if you're smart you don't usually end up in the field I am currently in which is quite sad (you'll find out soon enough what my vocation is and why and how I ended up where I am. - Patience is a virtue😝).

So in my eyes and maybe in the eyes of others they also feel as if I have underachieved, hence the title!  And the reason I have decided to create an entire blog about this, is because I know I'm not floating on this boat alone! Fellow graduates who aren't working in our fields this is for you! This is for us!
So it's dedicated to providing a peek into my life, sharing my smiles, frowns, triumphs, defeats as well as being my venting screen! Brace yourself!πŸ˜πŸ™Œ

I cannot promise you flawless make up tips or fashion trends on the runway or in the kitchen but I can promise you that there will be snippets of it since I love these things. But I shall spare my rare moments of calm to share what's going on in my life and to definitely put a smile on your dial πŸ€—!

So that's it for now!
The UBG -Saudaa 

#Ps: to my cousin Fathima - I did it πŸ™ŒπŸ˜…
                                ☁ ☁ ☁