Sunday, 24 July 2016

Saying goodbye...

This is by far the most difficult piece of writing that I've had to put together.

"Ma's finished baby,
Ma is gone..."

These are the words that will echo for a long time to come.

This past week for the first time in many years I lost an immediate family member, someone who actually played a vital role in my life - my granny. One of the closest people to me, more a wise best friend rather than a "nani". That brings me to her reaction everytime someone referred to her as our "nani" she would say, "Who's a nani? I'm their ma". Her witty, humorous personality and her love for fashion is something that we connected on. She would match her outfit from head to toe, matching shades of the colours with the perfect shoes, handbag, scarf AND accessories to match.

Ma was my knight, the only real piece of armour that protected me from my mother. Her pep talks after my parents' lectures always involved a light hearted joke and an understanding that my mummy is a little 'nuts' at times.

My ma was our travel buddy she accompanied us on almost every single trip we made and was not the average "granny", she was  one of us, keeping up and alles. Seeing her sick for just over a month wasn't easy yet we all thought she would bounce back as she usually did. I guess now her suffering is over... Saying goodbye was tough, but all i can do is make sabr and dua (pray) for her to be granted jannah, smile and be happy as she always wished for me. insha-Allah Ameen...

I will miss hearing "yes, aunty Saudaa" to my 'aunty Fathi', the Half English/ Urdu jokes, the hugs, duas and so much more.
I will always miss you my "Thandroost chicken" (strong chicken).
Love you always.


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